Sales and Marketing - Jen Jordan

Sales and Marketing - Jen Jordan
Jen Jordan brings a wealth of life and leadership experiences to her writing. After 10 years creating a variety of content for a nonprofit, Jen decided to establish her own writing business. She specializes in creating high quality blog and website content for small businesses. When she's not writing, Jen is a competitive triathlete with a goal of completing a triathlon in all 50 states.

Why Your Small Business Needs Evergreen Content

Why Your Small Business Needs Evergreen Content

What Is Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content is timeless. It remains fresh, relevant, and valuable to your audience over an extendedperiod of time. Unlike trendy news articles or fleeting social media posts, evergreen content stands the test of time and remains applicable to your audience. Here’s what makes "evergreen content" special:

Longevity:Evergreen content doesn’t have an expiration date. It doesn’t focus on specific events or current trends. Instead, it covers topics with long-term value and provides information that remains generally useful for years to come.

Relevance:Think of evergreen content as a reference book. Just like you’d consult a dictionary occasionally, your readers will return to evergreen articles when they need reliable information. It’s consistently relevant and offers value.

Optimization:Evergreen blog posts are SEO gold. They steadily attract organic search traffic by addressing topics and popular search terms that remain relevant. Google loves them, and so do your readers.

Authority:Evergreen content uses the information to position you as an authoritative ’voice" in your industry. How-to guides, resource articles, and checklists all deliver information in a way that conveys a sense of experience, trustworthiness, and authority.

What Evergreen Content Is Not

Before we explore the benefits of evergreen content,let’s clarify what evergreen isn’t:

  • The Latest Statistics: Dated articles like "The Top 20 Pop Music Statistics of 2020" have a short shelf life. They cover specific moments and swiftly become outdated.
  • Popular Trends: "Top Fashion Trends to Try in 2021" might be eye-catching, but it’s not evergreen. Trends evolve, and what’s hot today may fizzle out tomorrow.
  • Breaking News: "New Evidence of Life on Mars" is captivating but not evergreen. News stories have an expiration date.

Evergreen content isn’t written with the "here and now" in mind. It is content created to be relevant andusefulfor a long time.

Why Do Small Businesses Need Evergreen Content?

Small businesses thrive on consistency and reliability, and their customers expect it. Here’s why evergreen content is essential for small business growth:

Sustainable Traffic:Evergreen articles attract continuous organic traffic. Imagine having a steady stream of visitors to your website, even when you’re not actively promoting new content. That’s the function of evergreen content.

Loyal Readership:Evergreen content builds a loyal readership base. People who find valuable information on your site will bookmark it, share it, and keep coming back. It’s like having a group of dedicated fans who appreciate your expertise.

SEO Boost:Search engines reward evergreen content. By thoroughly covering relevant topics, you improve your website’s overall authority.Greaterauthority results in higher search engine rankings. High-quality evergreen posts often form the core of an effective SEO strategy.

Creating Evergreen Content: A How-To Guide

Here are some practical ideas to help you create valuable evergreen content for your small business:

  1. Consider Your Audience: Understand your target audience’s pain points and interests. What questions do they frequently ask? Address those timeless questions.
  2. Research Evergreen Trends: Investigate topics that remain relevant across seasons. Look for evergreen keywords and search terms.
  3. Write Cornerstone Content:Create comprehensive guides, how-to articles, and resource lists. These become your evergreen pillars.
  4. Format Your Evergreen Content:Use clear headings, bullet points, and visuals. Ensure readers can effortlessly navigate and absorb the information.
  5. Promote Your Evergreen Content:Shareit on social media, includeit in newsletters, and linkto it from other relevant posts.
  6. Update Your Evergreen Content: Periodically revisit and refresh your evergreenarticles. Update statistics, ensure any links are still good, add new insights, and keep them current.

Evergreen content builds your authority and drives SEO traffic. As a small business, invest in creating valuable, enduring resources. Your audience will thank you, and your website’s SEO will flourish.


The Beginner’s Guide to Evergreen Content | Digital Marketing Institute

What is Evergreen Content? Definition & Examples - StoryBase

What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care? | Similarweb

8 Evergreen Content Examples (and Why They Work) - MeetEdgar

5 Ideas for Creating Killer Evergreen Content [+ Examples] (

Evergreen Content: What It Is & How to Create It (